Senioritis Production Blog Post


During the production process, I mainly remained in the computer lab and worked on the rush edits while my group was filming. However, I did act in a role during the final day of the shooting.

Collecting Rushes from the Filming

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Contribution to the Shooting

I contributed ideas of things we could do to make the film better in the process of filming, such as how many establishing shots should be taken of the school in order to better show it and what distance they should be taken from.

Challenges Faced During Shooting

During the shooting, we initially wanted to show more days of the montage. However we did not have enough time for this, so we decided to only do three different days, with the third day being where she falls asleep and imagines herself graduating.

Assistance Given to the Production Team

I helped the production team by filling the role of the principal during the scene where Alice dreams about her graduation. I also helped set up some of the shots, like putting the table in the corner.

What I Learned

I learned how to use Premier Pro while editing the rushes, since I have only used Premier Pro on a few occasions before.

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