Senioritis Film Pre-Production – Editor’s Journal


A girl repeats the same school-day process in order to graduate.

Element 17: Montage

To show the protagonist working for multiple days in order to establish her daily routine.

Element 19: Assembly Editing

To establish the location of the events of the film (the school).

Element 25: Smash Cut

To reveal the actual date when the protagonist wakes up.

Element 24: Dissolve

To transition in the montage to show that the protagonist is in a flow of work.

Element 47: Match Cut

To transition from the protagonist working towards her dream about graduating.

Planning and Collaboration with Screenwriter

We planned the smash cut of the date after the protagonist receives her diploma (which can be seen in the storyboard). We also planned to use a color filter to make the film have brighter colors.

Planning and Collaboration with Director

We planned for me to have as little a role as possible in the film in order for me to edit, so I was cast in a very minor role, which was the principal who gives the protagonist her diploma

Planning and Collaboration with Cinematographer

  1. Shot of Capital High School
  2. Shot of Alice walking
  3. Close of shot of Alice’s shoes
  4. Close up shot of Alice sitting
  5. Close up of Alice’s stressed face
  6. Close up shot of foot tapping
  7. Close up of hands fidgeting
  8. Stuff on desk
  9. Overflow of stuff on desk
  10. Final part of montage
  11. Alice sleeping
  12. Alice checking phone
  13. Close up Alice upset
  14. Shot of date being Jan. 3rd
  15. Shot of date being Jan 27.
  16. Alice receiving diploma
  17. Long shot of Alice
  18. First 2 montages

Influences from Films

The Cube- The editor (John Sanders) used his editing to compensate for the low budget of the film. The Cube also features numerous close up shots of characters that serve to unsettle the audience.

Storyboard Notation

Editing Program

What I Learned and Problems I Solved

My team struggled with coming up with an idea for the film. To solve this, all though I didn’t come up with the idea in its entirety, I helped come up with the idea of the twist ending where the girl wakes up and realizes that she was dreaming and it’s still only September.

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